Friday, November 11, 2005

Who am I??? - Part II

After realizing that hanging on to some thoughts subconsciously actually narrowed down my thinking considerably, i decided to let it go. And i have not achieved that completely yet. But i am trying! (sorry for not mentioning the actual thought -- but since i am trying to let it go....i thought it would be best not to mention what it was! :-)

Leaving that topic aside, let me not deviate anymore from the actual facts about my journey to the center of my soul. People Change. Time changes People. So we need to be constantly in touch with our soul to tune in with the changes happening within. Well, during the newly started process of self discovery, i discovered the following changes in me:

1)That i do not waste my time and energy on people who have a deaf ear turned to me - Mostly these would we people i know and try to give advise and they never really take it -- So why bother and waste my time? :-P this is working very well for me now! I now have lot more free time left, so that i can concentrate on other interests of my own. I dont hate these people nor am i angry --- i just opted to utilize my time better...

2) That i plan a lot better than i used to.

3) That i have grown bolder than i used to be - Previously if i didnt like anything my friends/acquaintacnces did/said to me, i would just give a weak smile and move i give a smile and stay and tell that i dont like it.

4)That i am happier than i used to be - A thousand reasons why i am happier, but the main thing is i am settled very well in life and i have a great career ahead of me -- makes me want to work so much more to keep my happiness intact! Afterall, what greater happiness can there be, than the joy of being satisfied with the work you do and the career you have!

5) That i cook a lot better than i used to! Actually this is where i am surprised, coz, previously, when i cooked, i use the exact same recipe, but things taste a lot better now! This is mainly because i realised that the right things have to be put at the right time when cooking....and somehow, i enjoy cooking so much these days -- its so relaxing to the body and mind! It helps me get my thoughts together and get organised too! I am really into trying out new recipes all the anybody reading this has a really good recipe to share with, please do so! :-)

6) That I have fallen in love...
with New York City.....

7)That i do not use/login to Yahoo messenger more than once in a couple of months! Previously, i used to be on messenger all the time....everyday, every minute. Now, I got work to do ;-)..naah...more than that, i just lost interest in using it anymore. If i use any kind of messenger , it is Skype and i use it only to communicate with my team members sitting in the oppposite and adjacent cubes to me in office....and to talk technical gibberish....well, so to say, i have "outgrown" the good old Y!Messenger :-)

8) That i am social to all, civil to many, close with a few and best friends with one - and i am happy to keep it that way. I dont go out of way to help people who dont care, like i used to before. I keep my philosophy simple nowadays: "i love my family, i love my close friends and i dont care about the rest". I dont mind helping people who understand me or who dont take advantage of the fact that i helped.

9)That i get bored easily:-)....iam bored of typing anymore more in the next posts....