Thursday, July 08, 2004

The Boy and the Girl....

Hello all, had a busy day..anways lets get on with the story..

Vishal:The Flashback:
Vishal is from a rich family in hyderabad.he is the kind of person who never has to worry even a single day about money or material possesions. Vishals parents are doctoes and he decided to break the tradition by becoming a computer engineer. He is in his final year of engineering now ,almost on the verge of going to USA> he is a very smart and intelligent guy....mostly keeps to himself. he has a very small but close circle of friends and takes no compromise in enjoying life to the fullest. he is the only son but his parents havent spared him when he did anything wrong. he therefore was brought up in a disciplined environment. he had a high school crush on SRIDEVI and a one-sided crush later down the line on a girl called madhumita who is still his classmate and a close friend. Currently they remain good friends. Madhu is all set to leave to England to continue her graduate studies at the University of Cambridge.

Amrutha:The Flashback:
Amrutha is also from a rich family and her father is the CEO of a big firm in Secunderabad.Her mother has died unfortunately, when amrutha was a kid. So she was a independent child right from a small age and she had grown up to be a very strong and determined woman. And to add to her good looks, she was extremely intelligent. Her aim in life was to become a photographer for Discovery Channel's most highly rated Photoshoot program. To get that offer was not only lucrative but required the individual to be highly motivated, challenging and brave. She just liked the thought of danger. She had attended the required exams and had now received an interview call with the Discovery people.

Scene 3: Secunderabad Railway Station,Monday Evening:
Charminar Express is on Platform no:2, ready to depart at its usual 6.10pm. Amrutha is rushing into the station to attend her interview in chennai. She wanted to take a few pictures on her train journey that she wanted to add to her profile and present it to the discover people at chennai.Vishal is casually standing on the platform,..he had already checked into his compartment and was waiting for the train to leave. he was going to chennai to catch his flight on Cathay fly to the USA.His friends had already left and he was the last one to go and join them.His parents were inside the compartment and he was standing outside, trying to get one last breath of the dirty,hot air of Secunderabad..before he left it for a long long time.....
The train pulls out of the station and starts it journey to chennai.Vishal comes inside and takes his seat by the window...and gazes out at the slowly disappearing suburbs of Hyderabad.Suddenly a beautiful girl (Amrutha) rushes into their section of the compartment and takes up the unclaimed seat opposite to our vishal....she throws in her luggage under the seats and crashes down on the berth....For a moment their eyes meet.......nothing happens, Vishal turns his gaze back to the Hyderabad suburbs and Amrutha picks a novel to read.........

It is almost 1 am when charminar express pulls into the Vijayawada Station. Amrutha is feeling a bit thirsty and she has run out of she silently hops down the train and goes to buy some "butttrrraaaaaamilkkkk".Vishal is awakened by the noises in the station and he removes his walkman and goes to the door and stands in the doorway.Then he comes back inside and goes to his berth. He is about to get back to sleep when he finds that the young lady sitting opposite to him isnt there. He goes back to sleep. The train arrives next morning in chennai..and vishal is busy moving his big suitcases outside to get to the porters...he notices amruthas baggage lying unmoved....and she is nowhere to be seen..!

Lets continue this tomorrow....the story will move at a very fast pace from keep urselves up to date;-P